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Click here for video clip of Dr. Dan BermanDr. Daniel Berman, MD of Cedar's Sinai says it all in one of the best TV interviews we've seen.

 Patient Testimonial

When I got my results I was so thrilled!  I ran out to have a cheese burger to celebrate.I had some misgivings at first, but in the end, it was the best thing I ever did. I've been afraid of heart disease for many years. My father had a fatal heart attack at age 52. My Uncle Paul, the same, at 56. So it was always in the back of my mind.

Then I heard about HeartScan. Here was a quick, painless, noninvasive test that promised to tell me once and for all if I had coronary artery disease. I talked with my doctor and made the appointment. The test itself took about half an hour.

My wife and I didn't talk much about it while we were waiting for the results. I know we both expecting the worst. What we got was exactly the opposite. Somehow, some way, this terrible disease had skipped me altogether. My arteries were clear. Considering my family medical history, you can't possibly know how great that made me feel. I only wish the men who came before me, the men I loved, could have had the benefit of this test.