
The following tips for heart healthy living were developed in conjunction with
HeartScan where the Imatron EBT Coronary Artery Scan is making early detection
of heart disease easy and affordable. HeartScan operates a nationwide network of
Coronary Artery Disease Risk Assessment Centers where the Coronary Artery Scan is
available. |
- Eat right. Fill up on fruits and vegetables and limit your animal fat, butter,
sugar and sodium intake. Fat should not comprise more than 20 percent of your day's
total caloric intake.
- Exercise aerobically for at least one-half hour three-to-five times each week.
Swim. Bike. Walk. Get your heart pumping to a healthier beat.
- Know your cholesterol level. Make sure the number is well within normal limits.
- Know your family history. If your father or mother died young of a heart attack
or suffered heart disease, you are more likely to be at risk and should be more aware
of controlling risk factors.
- Don't ignore possible symptoms. If you have unexplained chestpain, or heartburn
that is not relieved by antacids, or you have discomfort brought about by exertion,
talk with your physician promptly. This is particularly true for women who don't
present the classic symptoms of heart disease found among men.
- Know your blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk factor with coronary
artery disease, and is a leading cause of stroke.
- Check for Diabetes, especially if you are 50 to 100 pounds overweight. Increase
in blood sugar can be a factor in the onset of heart disease.
- Don't start smoking and if you already are a smoker, stop. Long-term smokers
can cut their risk of heart attack to equal that of non-smokers within just two short
years of stopping.
