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San Francisco Walnut Creek Las Vegas Denver Houston Washington D.C.


In the Press

12/15/00:   Our friends at HealthView have posted a News page linking to the incredible publicity they have recently received with their Full Body Scan test.

12/7/00:  New article shows the capability of EBT whole body scanning to detect preclinical kidney cancer in 26 consecutive cases: Abstract

8/25/00:  USA Today features cover story on the EBT HealthView and an interview with Dr. Harvey Eisenberg.

7/12/00:  Harbor-UCLA Study Confirms Statin Drugs Reduce CAD Short-Term Progression Rate as Measured by Imatron's EBT CAS.
7/10/00:  IMAT finds support in ACC/AHA report on EBT 7/5/00:  SAI Executive committee rebukes report of AHA/ACC panel in a press release.
6/30/00: AHA/ACC release consensus statement on EBCT, but the writing group is still sharply divided according to the heart.org.
Debate over the potential utility of electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) which measures calcium load in arteries, in determining cardiac risk has been fierce. After months of review, a statement has been issued jointly by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association on when the test should and should not be used. The document, though, according to some committee members, did not reflect a consensus. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2000; 36: 326-340. Circulation 2000; 101: 126-140.)
6/30/00:  TV coverage on the heated debate over EBCS:  ABC News.  
5/16/00: The Rocky Mountain News reports on "The image of healthRichard Judd didn't think he was a walking time bomb....

5/16/00: Association of Hostility With Coronary Artery Calcification in Young Adults: The CARDIA Study

 This study was performed by Kaiser researchers using the EBCS test at Heartscan San Francisco.  Psychosocial factors, including personality and character traits, may play a role in the development and expression of coronary artery disease.

OLDER NEWS (click here)

Electron Beam Calcium Scoring (EBCS) is a new test that aids in the discovery of sub-clinical coronary artery disease in seemingly healthy patients.   As such this test provides an opportunity for a patient and his physician to intervene in the progression of heart disease long before symptoms develop using the latest techniques for prevention and wellness.  Heartscan imaging centers are presently located in four cities in the U.S.  For more information please click on the links on the map below.

The Heartscan test referred to as Electron Beam Calcium Scoring (EBCS) is performed using Imatron Electron Beam Tomography scanners.  There are more than 50 hospitals and clinics in the U.S. performing CAS/Imatron examinations, and a full listing of these is kept up-to-date at the Imatron web site list.  

Can Spiral CT Scanners perform CAS?? KNOW THE DIFFERENCE

A Plea from Dr.  John Rumberger, MD, PhD, FACC

Coronary Motion Video 56K, 100K
This video demonstrates that EBT reduces motion blur of coronary arteries by up to 20X compared to the fastest spiral scanner.


Heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States.  Current estimates are that more than 70 million Americans suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease.  In as many as 150,000 cases a year, the first, last and only symptom of coronary artery disease is a fatal heart attack.  This "silent killer" is a slow, progressive disease that can begin early in life and go undetected for years.


For more information about Heartscan and scheduling an appointment, contact Heartscan  at:


All Heartscan centers use Imatron Electron Beam Tomography scanners and are  powered by Internet post-processing software from AccuImage.


News from Sites

Dec. 1, 2000 Heartscan San Francisco volume of Full Body Scan studies increases.  Plans are developed to add this test to the other sites in the next year.

Sept. 1, 2000 The San Francisco Chronicle writes feature story on Heartscan's body scanning service including an interview with Inyoung Boyd.  See Full Text here.
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Older Site News here


The following is a list of links to some of the many clinics in addition to Heartscan offering CAS/Imatron scanning services. Follow these links for detailed information on this revolutionary new test.


The following are sites offering general information about Heart Disease:
